Recently Sold Top Works

Selection of top works recently sold by Heather James.

In 2024, Heather James Fine Art celebrated 28 years in business. In that time, we have placed over 6,500 works of art with collectors, including dozens of paintings by Claude Monet, and over 150 pieces each by Pablo Picasso, Alexander Calder, and Andy Warhol. Other top sellers for the gallery over time are Vincent van Gogh, Marc Chagall, Salvador Dali, Camille Pissarro, Damien Hirst, Tom Wesselmann, Ed Ruscha, Helen Frankenthaler, Henri Matisse, Joan Miró, Fernando Botero, Edward Hopper, and Andrew Wyeth.

Heather James Fine Art provides a wide range of client-based services catered to your specific art collection needs. Our Operations team includes professional art handlers, a full registrar department and logistical team with extensive experience in art transportation, installation, and collection management. With white glove service and personalized care, our team goes the extra mile to ensure exceptional art services for our clients.

  • Claude MONET

    Claude MONET

  • Georgia O'KEEFFE

    Georgia O'KEEFFE

  • Claude MONET

    Claude MONET

  • Claude MONET

    Claude MONET

  • Vincent VAN GOGH

    Vincent VAN GOGH

  • Edgar DEGAS

    Edgar DEGAS

  • Paul CÈZANNE

    Paul CÈZANNE

  • Edvard MUNCH

    Edvard MUNCH

  • Georgia O'KEEFFE

    Georgia O'KEEFFE

  • Fernand LEGER

    Fernand LEGER

  • Alfred SISLEY

    Alfred SISLEY

  • Agnes MARTIN

    Agnes MARTIN

  • Marc CHAGALL

    Marc CHAGALL

  • N.C. WYETH

    N.C. WYETH

  • Mary CASSATT

    Mary CASSATT

  • Fernando BOTERO

    Fernando BOTERO

  • Sir Winston CHURCHILL

    Sir Winston CHURCHILL

  • Jackson POLLOCK

    Jackson POLLOCK

  • Edward HOPPER

    Edward HOPPER

  • Winslow HOMER

    Winslow HOMER

  • Wayne THIEBAUD

    Wayne THIEBAUD

  • Alexander CALDER

    Alexander CALDER

  • Henry MOORE

    Henry MOORE

  • Anish KAPOOR

    Anish KAPOOR

Consign with Heather James

Heather James Fine Art is actively seeking fine works of art across all major genres and mediums. For over 25 years, the gallery has been conducting business with discretion, diligence, and confidence. We pride ourselves on our knowledgeable staff, meticulous research, and active client base.  If you are interested in placing a work with the gallery for sale or consignment, please complete the form on this page.


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